About Us

Maximising opportunity



SigmaCV have a team of expert consultants who are passionate about working with our clients to accelerate their career growth



We offer services including CV writing packages so our clients can remain calm and focussed during the application process



Our consultants provide services that are tailored to your sector of interest with an emphasis on showcasing all your strengths and accomplishments

6 seconds to make an impression

A hiring manager will spend on average 6 seconds to make a decision on whether your CV is worth further consideration.  Our consultants will maximise your opportunity for success in those seconds.

Submit your CV for a free assessment by our expert consultants

a three step process


choose a package

Buy the CV or cover letter package and send your existing CV to your career consultants


The writing begins

A senior writing consultant spends the next 48 hours authoring your bespoke documents


let's talk

Your documents are ready, our career consultants will talk you through the changes and provide focussed career advice

PAssionate about your success

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